
A hierarchical, template-based, web-development framework.


NiftyPortal is a hierarchical dynamic site construction framework designed for sites (and series of sites) with similar functionality, but widely different designs or looks and feels. The term "similar" is relative; measure is made for overrides of "standard" functionality so that other sites at the same installation can have different code running for different purposes.

NiftyPortal is designed to securely factor reused code among as many different sites as possible. It uses a combination of SpeedyCGI (available on CPAN) and Template Toolkit (also on CPAN) to achieve fast response times, while still maintaining a great deal of flexibility for all maintainers.

Why did I write it? I was looking for a way to reduce the workload during development of a number of "virtual" sites for a non-profit organization I'm a part of, and wasn't able to find an existing framework that was able to do what I needed to do.

Target audience

You might find NiftyPortal useful if you:


For most of the first year of development, this project was hosted on a Pentium MMX 233. Needless to say, performance was a very important consideration! I'm happy to say that performance is quite respectable on decent hardware. The ApacheBench stats shown below were taken while running on a dual Xeon 2.4Ghz with 1GB of RAM, on a fairly havily loaded server.

With SpeedyCGI

sh@root #] ab -n 1200 -c 60

This is ApacheBench, Version 2.0.41-dev <$Revision: $> apache-2.0
Copyright (c) 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
Copyright (c) 1998-2002 The Apache Software Foundation,

Benchmarking (be patient)
Completed 120 requests
Completed 240 requests
Completed 360 requests
Completed 480 requests
Completed 600 requests
Completed 720 requests
Completed 840 requests
Completed 960 requests
Completed 1080 requests
Finished 1200 requests

Server Software:        Apache/2.0.51
Server Hostname:
Server Port:            80

Document Path:          /
Document Length:        13767 bytes

Concurrency Level:      60
Time taken for tests:   11.529194 seconds
Complete requests:      1200
Failed requests:        0
Write errors:           0
Total transferred:      16702800 bytes
HTML transferred:       16520400 bytes
Requests per second:    104.08 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       576.460 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       9.608 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          1414.76 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        0    3  19.3      0     121
Processing:   148  554  60.7    546     691
Waiting:      146  552  61.4    544     690
Total:        221  558  54.8    547     779

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%    547
  66%    569
  75%    590
  80%    607
  90%    619
  95%    632
  98%    684
  99%    689
 100%    779 (longest request)


NiftyPortal is pretty heavy. You'll need the following Perl modules installed (an installation script using the CPAN module is included which installs all of these, their pre-requisites, and a few more optional modules [see the docs]).

database module
database driver
for lightweight CGI form processing
for nice CGI error messages
runs perl persistently
the Template Toolkit system
used in benchmarking
for password encrpytion
data manipulation
configuration file parsing
a lightweight alternative to LWP
easy outgoing mail handling
used by web services
for debugging output
an alternate query parser
comprehensive date package (opt.)
international date issues (opt.)

authentication module (opt.)
authentication module (opt.)
authentication module (opt.)
authentication module (opt.)
authentication module (opt.)

If you plan on using a user database (strongly recommended -- in fact, this may become a requirement at some point), you'll need a database. In theory, any SQL compliant DB should be usable, as long as you have the appropriate DBD driver for it, but I've only tested with MySQL. SQLite support is probably what I'll work on next, with PostgreSQL coming soon after.


Download the latest version here: NiftyPortal 1.0b17 (Oct 9, 2005)

Example installations

Note: Some of these sites are running older versions of the framework or are in various stages of disrepair...

Why is this page so un-informative?

Because I haven't announced this project to anyone yet and I'm too busy rapidly revising the code =) If you somehow find this page and actually want to start using this, shoot me an email and I'll help you out.

[A counter you're not incrementing] Japheth Cleaver - resume - other software
October 9, 2005